hot cocoa
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I don’t know about you, but getting cozy inside with a nice warm cup of cocoa sounds like the perfect way to spend this rainy day. According to an article by the senior news and lifestyle website ‘Third Age,’ that cup of cocoa made do more for you than just warming your soul–it may just keep your memory strong longer. The article delves into the results of a study performed by Columbia University Medical Center scientists that found that age-related memory decline can be reduced or slowed by certain dietary changes. Namely, the scientists found that the naturally occurring ‘flavanols’ in the cocoa bean were significant ‘memory-boosters.’ Not all cocoa products carry these important flavanols, however, as they are sometimes removed during processing of the cocoa bean. So for a little extra brain power, check the label of your cocoa and be sure it includes theses flavanols before indulging in a cup.


Check out the rest of this fascinating article here.



An active lifestyle is important for people of any age, but as you head into your senior years it becomes a vital tool for battling and preventing age-related health issues. A regular program of moderate-intensity exercise can help control blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, and reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke. Working your muscles, tendons, bones, and joints helps to fight osteoporosis, lower your everyday risk for injury, and helps to manage back pain and arthritis. Exercise truly can add years to your life, and people who follow a regular exercise plan report feeling happier and experiencing less stress.

If you’re like most people, the biggest obstacle to their fitness goals is simply getting started. It can be difficult to know just where to begin, with what exercises, how to do them properly, for how long, etc. That’s where this guide from the National Institute on Aging comes in, entitled “Exercise and Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide,” it is a comprehensive online book that covers all aspects of engaging in exercise as a senior. From evaluating your current ability levels to setting goals and finally to implementing an exercise plan and getting moving, this guide is a great resource–and its free!

Check out the guide here, and check back on the blog later for more fun, beneficial exercises.


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Interested in getting out to enjoy some of the great things that Richmond has to offer this weekend? Here are a couple fun things going on around town this weekend.

Witch Trial

  • What: an interactive re-enactment of a witch trial based on historical events
  • Where: Agecroft Hall
  • When: Friday and Saturday at 8:15 PM
  • Cost: $7

Fridays Uncorked: Entertaining on a Budget

  • What: a sampling of inexpensive wines that are great for gift giving or entertaining this holiday season
  • Where: Southern Season
  • When: Friday 5-8:00 PM
  • Cost: $15

Holly Jolly Christmas

  • What: a Christmas festival with trolley rides, vendors, and activities
  • Where: Lakeside Avenue between Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens and Bryan Park
  • When: Friday 5-9:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
  • Cost: Free

REAP’s Artisan Showcase & Auction

  • What: artisans with disabilities sell their products, performance by Harp Therapy Outreach Program, auction proceeds benefit Richmond Entrepreneur’s Assistance Program
  • Where: Northstar Academy
  • When: Friday 5-8:00 PM
  • Cost: Free

Gifts from the Heart Holiday Gift Fair

  • What: a holiday gift fair
  • Where: St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
  • When: Friday 7-9:00 PM, Sunday 9:15-1:00 PM
  • Cost: Free

Clover Hill Irish Festival

  • What: festival with live entertainment, food, and craft vendors
  • Where: Clover Hill High School
  • When: Saturday 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Cost: Free

Of course Richmond is a busy city, and there is much, much more than this. For a comprehensive list check out Style Weekly’s online calendar here.

We’re sticking with the Veterans Day theme from earlier this week for today’s post. Have you seen this adorable video of the family pup welcoming home his soldier owner? The video, posted on YouTube by user Rachel Burich, shows the adorable reaction of a Golden Retriever to seeing his owner for the first time since he was deployed to Kuwait 9 months earlier. If you need a fix of cute and funny, this is for you.


veterans day


First, we would like to extend our sincere admiration and gratitude to the brave men and women who have served or are currently serving in the United States Military. Your dedication and sacrifice is a great part of what makes this country such a wonderful place to live.

Now, how about a couple fun Veterans Day facts?

  • Did you know that the Veterans Day we celebrate today was instituted by President Wilson in 1919 as ‘Armistice Day’? Coming on the heels of what was then known as The Great War (World War I), Wilson declared this day to be  one “filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations.”
  • It wasn’t until May 13, 1938 that an Act was passed to declare the day an official legal holiday in the United States.
  • On October 8, 1938, President Eisenhower issued the first ‘Veterans Day Proclamation’ that officially changed the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day.
  • In Britain, people often observe two minutes of silence in honor of veterans at 11 am on November 11th.

Lets talk deals!

A number of local businesses as well as chains are offering some great deals for Veterans Day this year, like a free meal at Chik-fil-A or a free doughnut and coffee from Krispy Kreme. Check out the full list of deals for Richmond here, as well as this comprehensive nationwide list , but most places require proof of service so don’t forget to bring your ID!


The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has the detailed history on its website, which you can check out here for more information.

sweetpotatoHere is a great, healthy recipe to satisfy both your sweet and savory cravings this fall. From, these maple roasted sweet potatoes look delicious! Try out the recipe for dinner or add it to your menu for Thanksgiving this year and lose the guilt–with only two grams of fat and stocked with nutrients like Vitamins A and C, they are a healthy treat!

Check out the full recipe here.

image from article

With issues like heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure on the rise in recent years, being health-conscious is more important now than ever. For people over 50, these risk factors become greater and maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes a key component to managing risk. What does being healthy really mean? It isn’t an easy question to answer because there are many approaches to a healthy lifestyle, but diet and exercise are always at the forefront. As you age, however, your needs in these areas evolve, and so should your approach. has a wonderful guide to nutrition and diet tips for the individual over 50 that lays out what you should be paying attention to and what benefits you can expect to gain. Click here to check out the full article and then be sure to check back on the blog tomorrow for a fun and healthy fall recipe!



Today is election day, and before you head out to the polls you may want to make sure you understand just what you’re voting for this morning. In this years midterm elections in Virginia, voters are deciding the races for the United States Senate as well as those for the 11 Congressional districts in the state.

The Richmond Times Dispatch has a guide to election day posted on their website today (which can be seen here), but here is a quick rundown of the ‘who’s-who’ on the ballot for Virginians today.

Continue reading “Get Out to Vote: Election Day Made Easy!”

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