Long Term Care
What is Long Term Care?
Long-Term Care begins when individuals need help with daily activities they usually do alone. This can be due to a physical or cognitive impairment. These ADL (Activities of Daily Living) functions include:
- bathing
- continence
- dressing
- eating
- toileting
- transferring
Many policies use the inability to do a certain number of ADL’s (such as 2 of 6) to decide when to pay benefits.
What I always tell everyone is that Long Term Care Insurance is the most customized insurance product you will purchase. For that reason, it is so very important that you locate an “Experienced and Professional Long Term Care Planner”.
Long Term Care will be the last insurance plan you purchase- and the most important. Simply put, it protects your assets from catastrophic loss. But more importantly, it will provide a peace of mind that money cannot buy. That is the knowledge that your loved ones will not have to bear the physical or financial responsibility of your care.
Noah built the arc before it rained. Protect yourself and your loved ones from the financial flood of a lifetime.
The Cost of Long-Term Healthcare
(Based upon average in Virginia, using rounded numbers)
Nursing home private room: $61,000
Nursing home semi-private room: $56,000
Assisted Living Facility: $25,000
Home Health Aid
Medicare certified/licensed: $54,000
Licensed: $43,000
Homemaker Services
Licensed: $41,000
Suze Orman on Long Term Care Insurance
Suze shares her personal experience of expensive around-the-clock care she funds for her mother.