Are you a lifelong learner? The Osher Institute at the University of Richmond offers classes and free lectures for seniors.
This fall, Tom is teaching seniors how to use the Medicare Plan Finder.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Richmond is a program of the School of Professional and Continuing Studies. Classes are offered on topics including literature, travel, culinary arts, history, and health. The University of Richmond is one of 119 Osher Institutes at colleges and universities nationwide.
In 2004, the University of Richmond received an endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation, which includes lifelong learning for adults as part of its mission.
The website for the Osher Institute says, “There are no entrance requirements, no tests and no grades. In fact, no college background is needed at all. It’s your love of learning that counts.”
Tom’s class is called “Guiding You Through the Medicare Maze”.
It will be held on Tuesday, October 1st from 1:30-3:30 p.m. The cost is $20. The class description reads, “Figuring out Medicare and what’s right for you is no easy task, especially when it comes to medications. Come learn how to naviagte the Part D Plan Finder on and how simple changes can make a big financial difference.”
A membership to Osher is required to attend classes. More information on memberships can be found here.
“We find that our members are eager to learn more about a favorite subject or gather information about something they previously knew nothing about. Many are drawn to our array of history classes, but the offerings are diverse- from a study of the World War II to writing one’s memoirs. Osher members simply love to learn! This is also a very social group of people, and we find that lasting friendships are made and kept among Osher members.”
-Peggy Watson, Director
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Richmond
[email protected]
Tom Says:
“I have always wanted to do this, and I believe Osher is the perfect vehicle to teach seniors about Medicare. I am excited for the opportunity to give back to the community and to participate in this excellent program. And of course, to guide seniors through the Medicare Maze. I hope to see you there.”
To see the class schedule and brochure from the Osher Institute, click here.